Quick Start Guide

Product model: OH_Prod0001


ATTENTION! Make sure to read the Instructions for Use before using this product. It contains important safety information. Do not only read this Quick Start Guide.

ATTENTION! The Vertica® device is designed for personal and intimate medical treatment at home. The device left our factory clean and ready for use. The device will be considered as “used” after removing or damaging the tamper-evident seal on the device.

These are the original English instructions
February 2024 | OH_Misc0021_RevD


  1. Important Notes
  2. Contraindications
  3. Description of the user
  4. Product elements
    1. The Vertica Device And Pad
    2. The Control Panel
  5. Safety instructions
  6. Learning the basic operation of the Vertica Device
    1. Setting the device to on and off
    2. Setting the energy level
    3. Activating and deactivating the treatment mode
      1. Activating the treatment mode by pushing the enery button
  7. Let’s get started with the treatment!
    1. Preparation
    2. Treatment
      1. First part of the treatment (RING mode)
      2. second part of the treatment (RING+PAD mode)
  8. Cleaning the Vertica device


Congratulations on your new Vertica® device. For your safety and the success of treatments:



Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns regarding medications or health conditions not listed.

Do not use the Vertica device if any of the following conditions apply to your situation:




ID Name ID Name
A Control panel G Pad plug (magnetic)
B RF electrodes (metal domes) H Pad
C Pad port (magnetic) I Charger
D Ring handle J Charger plug (magnetic)
E Ring K Charging port cap
F Charging port (magnetic)


ID Function
L Power/mode button To set the device to on or off and select the RING mode or RING+PAD mode
M RING mode indicator To indicate the RING mode is selected
N Energy level button (-) To decrease the energy level
O Energy level button (+) To increase the energy level
P enery button To activate and deactivate the treatment mode
Q Energy level indicator To indicate the energy level set with the energy level buttons (+/-)
R RING+PAD mode indicator To indicate the RING+PAD mode is selected
S Charging cable indicator To indicate the power supply cable is connected to the power port and the charger connected to the power outlet.
T Battery indicator To indicate charging is in progress and battery status
U Treatment mode indicator To indicate the treatment mode is active
V RF energy indicator To indicate the delivery of RF energy


WARNING! Read and understand the Instructions for Use and its safety instructions before using this device. Failure to observe the safety instructions can result in physical injury, damage, or harm to the environment. The manufacturer accepts no liability for injury or damage resulting from failure to observe the safety instructions.



To set the device to on:

To set the device to off:


Each time the device is set to on, the energy level is automatically set to energy level one.

To set the energy level:

  1. Push the energy level button (-) to decrease the energy level.
  2. Push the energy level button (+) to increase the energy level.

The energy level indicator shows the following conditions, based on the set energy level:

Energy level indicator
Energy level 1
2 3 4 5 6


Activating the treatment mode only prepares the device for the treatment.
The actual treatment with RF energy is indicated by the RF energy indicator!

What happens in the treatment mode:

  1. The device automatically checks for contact with the penile shaft.
  2. Only when contact with the penile shaft is detected, the RF energy indicator comes on and RF energy is delivered (the erectile tissue is receiving treatment).

NOTICE The treatment is only in progress when the RF energy indicator is on. There is no treatment when the RF energy indicator is off.

The treatment mode can be activated in two ways:


To activate the treatment mode:

  1. Make sure the device is set to on.
  2. Push and hold the energy button.
    The treatment indicator flashes, the energy level indicator flashes and the treatment mode indicator is on.

To deactivate the treatment mode:



  • Make sure you have read the safety instructions.
  • Make sure the Vertica device is fully charged. See Charging the Vertica device for instructions.
  • Do not do the treatment while standing. Make sure you are in a comfortable seated position to do the treatment.
  • When treatment is set to on:
    • always move the device toward the glans (dome of the penis) and not toward the body.
    • all RF electrodes must be continuously in contact with the skin.
  • Make sure the charging cable is not connected to the Vertica device.
  • Always make sure there is sufficient gel on the penile shaft during the treatment and add gel when needed.
  • You may feel a warm sensation on the skin during the treatment, this may indicate to add more gel.
  • Lower the energy level with the energy level button (-) if the temperature sensation is uncomfortable.
  • If you do not experience any heat during treatment, see Troubleshooting for more information.


It is recommended to


The full treatment with the Vertica device is divided into two parts:


  1. Apply a three to five millimeter thick layer of gel (ultrasound or RF conductive gel) on the penis shaft. Make sure to cover the full surface of the penis shaft.

    To achieve optimal treatment, the domes of the RF electrodes on the ring need to be covered by the gel. Add gel during the treatment when needed.

    ultrasound or RF conductive gel
  2. Push the power/enery button to set the device to on. The device is in standby mode. The RING mode indicator comes on and the energy level indicator shows energy level one.
  3. Make sure you hold the Vertica device with the control panel on the right-hand side. Vertica device with the control
            panel on the right-hand side
  4. Push the ring handle to the left to open the ring and insert the penis through the ring. Slide the Vertica device as close to the body as possible.

    The device should make contact with your pelvic area.

    ring handle
  5. Gently release the ring handle to let the ring make comfortable and tight contact of all the RF electrodes with the penile shaft. release the ring handle to let the ring make
  6. Select the desired energy level with the energy level buttons (+/-).
    The energy level indicator shows the set energy level.

    It is recommended to start every treatment at level one for at least 1 minute and increase based on the sensation of heat that you desire. You can increase or decrease the energy level during the treatment. Choose the energy level that you feel comfortable with during treatment. Stop the treatment if you feel pain during the treatment session.

  7. Push and hold the enery button to activate the treatment mode. The treatment mode indicator flashes. The RF energy indicator comes on and the device delivers RF energy.

    The treatment does not start when the RF electrodes are not in contact with the penile shaft. When the RF energy indicator does not come on, see Troubleshooting in the Instructions for Use for information.

    enery button
  8. Wait 30 seconds or wait until the RF energy indicator is off for at least 3 seconds and move the device about one centimeter toward the glans (dome of the penis).

    Always move the device toward the glans (dome of the penis) and not toward the body. You may select the desired energy level with the energy level buttons (+/-).

    RF energy indicator
  9. Wait for the RF energy indicator to come on again.
  10. Repeat steps 9 and 10 until the device is at the glans and can not slide any further.
  11. When you cannot slide the device any further, release the enery button to deactivate the treatment mode.
  12. Push and hold the ring handle to open the ring. Slide the Vertica device as close to the body as possible to continue the treatment.

    The device should make contact with your pelvic area.

    ring handle
  13. Gently release the ring handle to let the ring make comfortable and tight contact of all the RF electrodes with the penile shaft. release the ring handle to let the ring make
  14. Repeat steps 7 to 13 until a total treatment time of 15 minutes is achieved.

    The device will vibrate multiple times and the RING mode and RING+PAD mode indicators will blink to indicate the treatment is finished.

  15. Push the ring handle to open the ring and slide the device off the penis. Push the ring handle to open the ring and slide the
            device off the penis.
  16. Press the power/treatment mode button to continue to the RING+PAD mode..


  1. Apply a three to five millimeter thick layer of gel (ultrasound or RF conductive gel) on the penis shaft. Make sure to cover the full surface of the penis shaft.

    To achieve optimal treatment, the domes of the RF electrodes on the ring need to be covered by the gel. Add gel during the treatment when needed.

    ultrasound or RF conductive gel
  2. Connect the pad plug to the pad port.

    The magnetic pad plug attaches only in one direction. Change the position of the pad plug if it does not connect.

    Connect the pad plug to the pad port
  3. Curve the cable of the pad under the device so the RF electrodes point up. Take a seated position on a chair and place the pad on your perineum (the area between the scrotum ⓐ and the anus ⓑ).

    Always make sure the pad is in contact with the perineum during the treatment.

    Curve the cable of the pad under the device Take a seated position on a chair
            and place the pad on your perineum
  4. Make sure RING+PAD mode is selected:
    • When the device is off:
      • Push the power/treatment mode button to set the device to on.
        The device is in standby mode. The RING mode indicator comes on and the energy level indicator shows energy level one.
      • Push the power/treatment mode button to select the RING+PAD mode.
        The RING+PAD mode indicator comes on and the RING mode is off.
    • When the device is on and the RING mode indicator is on:
      • Push the power/treatment mode button to select the RING+PAD mode. The RING+PAD mode indicator comes on and the RING mode is off.
  5. Follow steps 3 to 15 of the First part of the treatment (RING mode).
  6. Push the power/treatment mode button for three seconds to set the device to off.



  • Set the device to off before you do any cleaning tasks.
  • Do not immerse the device in water! Only rinse the device. The device is water-resistant at the area of the RF electrodes, but the device can not be immersed.
  • Always clean the ring and pad after every use.
  • Only use clean tap water.
  • Be careful not to rinse with hot water to avoid burning your hands.
  • Do not use any detergents, soap, alcohol or other cleaning agents.
  • Do not use any abrasive cleaning materials.

Scan the QR-code to see the video of the Vertica cleaning procedure.


To clean the device and the RF electrodes:

  1. Make sure that
    • the device is set to off
    • the magnetic plug of the charger is disconnected from the charging port
    • the pad is disconnected from the device.
  2. Clean the device and the pad with a moist cloth or a water based wet-wipe. Clean the device and the pad
  3. Flush the RF electrodes on the ring and pad with running tap water and fully remove all gel residue. If necessary, use warm water to dissolve the gel better.

    WARNING! Do not immerse the device in water.

    Flush the RF electrodes on the ring and pad
  4. Make sure all gel residue is fully removed and fully dry the device and the pad with a clean dry cloth.