Knowledge center

Answers to your questions, expert information, and everything you need to know about using Vertica®. Welcome to the knowledge center


Who can use Vertica®? How does it work? Is it based on clinical studies? All your Qs about Vertica® answered.

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Read up on what our experts have to say about erection enhancement, RF energy, the Vertica® device, and more.

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How to Vertica®

The ins and outs of using Vertica®, easily explained. Get easy-to-use user guides, videos and instructions.

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Vertica®’s technical details, specs, numbers,
and more information for those who want
a look under the hood.

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Clinical Info

All about the research and clinical studies
we conducted to ensure you’ll get the best
results with your Vertica®.

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Customer care

Email, call, or send us a message to set up a free (fully discreet) consultation or ask any questions you may have.

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Dictionary of terms

It is possible to become familiar with the professional terms in the field of sexual dysfunction.

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Consultation with specialists

Uncertainty regarding personal cases – one can also consult with a specialist urologist.

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Customers’ opinion

Customers who have already tried treatment with the Vertica device share their stories.

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