Expert Page - Miriam Brenner

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Miriam Brenner

I have a masters degree in clinical social work from Bar Ilan university in 1984, and then I specialized in sex therapy at Cornel medical school with New York hospital. Paralel to that I studied doctoral studies in human sexuality at NYU- New York University. I completed my specialization in 1987, returned to Israel and have been working since in the field of sex and couple therapy in public and private clinics. I supervise trainees and am a member of the certifying   committee of “Itam”, the Israeli organization of sex therapists.
I have 2 forums I run with medical specialists in the site “ Doctors” - “Male sexual dysfunctions “ and “ Sex therapy with women”. I have a monthly column “Ask Miriam” in the Portal “ Life circles ( Maagalei Hachaim)  sixty plus “ about sexuality and couple relationships in older age. And I give monthly lectures in the site “Motke fifty plus” and their facebook page on the same topic.
I have written 2 books- one for adults “202 answers for sexual health and love” by Matar, and one for teenagers “ with sex in mind” by Yediot.
Today I have a private clinic in Ganei Tikva, I see individuals and couples  in the clinic and by zoom.
Website: Email: [email protected]

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